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We support many payments, for example, SWIFT(T/T), Western Union, and so on

SWIFT(T/T) or CHATS(HK Local) Payment Account as follow:
SWIFT/BIC: CITIHKHX (CITIHKHXXXX * If 11 characters are required)
Account Number: 705519116
Account Name: Shenzhen Reliable Electronics Accessories Firm
Bank Name: Citibank N.A., Hong Kong Branch
Bank Address: 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
Country/Region: Hong Kong
Type of Account: Business Account
Bank Code: 006
Branch Code: 391 * If paying from Hong Kong banks
Payment message
Please include the following memo/message to receiver when making a payment:
[Buyer Name] [Invoice/Contract Number] [Product]

Western Union payment information as follow:
First name(Given Name) HUAYAO
Last name(Surname) LIAN
Country: China

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